ID Genève Watches

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Circularity as the super league of sustainability.

3 min reading

We've lived the last century in a “take-make-waste” linear mode...
How do we get out of this logic?

The circular economy aims precisely at changing the way goods and services are produced. It is based on material cycles - as nature is.

It uses as few new & different materials as possible, reuse them, or keep them in use. All this while promoting short circuits!

@ID Genève, we focus on

Illustration by Le Paradoxe

ID Genève won the 2020 award as a start-up in the circular economy incubator from the CET (Circular Economy Transition).

The objective of this incubator is to enable young start-ups to emerge and accelerate the transition to the circular economy in Switzerland.

If your project is deemed innovative and circular, you may have the chance to be selected. You will then develop solutions, prototypes, business models, with the support of high-level mentors, experts and a network of impact investors.

At the beginning of January, we qualified as one of the 5 startups to represent Geneva. During the Demo-Day contest (this year online!), we had 5 minutes to "pitch" our project. Among a lot of other startup with great concepts, we were lucky enough to be the winner of the "Consumer Goods" section!

A word from Laurent Maeder, Co-lead Circular Economy Transition.

 “We are glad to help projects such as ID Genève in their entrepreneurial journey. With circular economy as DNA, ID Genève open new horizons when it comes to design, traceability and communication”